Airbus employees who have been inspired to take park in a triathlon challenge by colleague and Paralympics competitor Andy Lewis.
From left, Andrew Smith, Alan Davis, Tom Cole, Sarah Tyler, Steve Ashworth, Celine Vieira and Jodie Shields.
A team of colleagues at Airbus in Filton have swapped contracts, emails, and meetings for cycling, running, and swimming in a bid to travel more than 1000 miles in less than two months.
Inspired by this year’s sporting events the teams, who source parts and services for aircraft wings, are getting active and joining forces to complete the mammoth triathlon to raise money for Hospice UK. They embarked on their mission in late July and are absolutely flying against their target.
The employees are based across four Airbus sites in Filton, Broughton in North Wales, Bremen in Germany and Toulouse in France. The triathlon is equivalent to the distance travelled by the aircraft wings between these sites, and is in proportion to the Olympic triathlon: 1036 miles cycling, 260 miles running, and 40 miles swimming.
Those involved have been greatly motivated by Airbus employee Andy Lewis, World Champion para-triathlete, who is competing in the Paralympics later this year. Andy’s ambition has been contagious with his colleagues.
Airbus employee Tom Cole, who organised the challenge, said: “Firstly we wanted to recognise the fantastic efforts of Andy Lewis. I was lucky enough to hear Andy speak earlier on in the year and I found his determination to keep pushing himself to achieve his goals very inspiring. We also believed it was a great reason to get people out of their chairs and off their sofas whilst supporting a wonderfully deserving charity”.
Andy Lewis, added: “Well done to everyone taking part in this event, I’m touched to think that I’ve inspired others, especially in my workplace. I have a desire when I’m back at work to take part in something like this or help others get active. This journey has not been easy but these three words are tattooed on my heart and I ask that others use these words with real meaning – “Never Give Up” – no matter what happens in life. If you believe you can achieve”.