Farnborough Air Show 2024 – Day 2 Round Up

Published on: 24th July 2024

Tuesday was another bustling and successful day for the WEAF Team and exhibitors, highlighting the strength of the South West’s network and supply chain. The team was supported by the expertise of supply chain specialists Phil Curnock and Ian Davies.

From the opening bell the stand was buzzing with high quality interaction from industry overseas delegations and HM government Departments.

Several companies were enthused by the conversation to consider the value of WEAF Membership. WEAF joined with the other Regional Aerospace Alliances on developing future events with major OEM’s such as Boeing UK and MBDA.

The WEAF team really enjoyed the receptions held by Farnborough Aerospace Consortium, Invest Northern Ireland, Aerospace Wales and we would like to thank them for their hospitality and great networking.

Looking forward to a similar busy and productive day Three!!