01174 621101

Bowers Group to Hold Metrology Open Day at Camberley Showroom 17th and 18th of July

Published on: 9th May 2018

Bowers Group is holding a metrology open day at its Camberley Showroom on 17th and 18th of July, coinciding with the Farnborough Air Show which takes place only 3 miles away. Visitors are invited to view a wide range of metrology equipment, not just for use in Aerospace applications, but in all areas of industry.
As well as our fully stocked demonstration room being open, we will also have our Mobile Metrology Centre on display on site, which carries a wide variety of inspection equipment ideal for demonstrations to be carried out on a customer’s premises.
This interactive day will consist of a series of short product overviews, and face to face demonstrations with our product specialists, giving visitors the opportunity to examine a range of measuring options for the laboratory as well as the manufacturing floor. We will also have a range of case studies available to illustrate how existing customers have incorporated these products into their premises and how they have genuinely assisted businesses.
The Open Day will take place at the Bowers group Camberley Showroom on 17th and 18th of July, and is free to attend. All we ask is that you bring along your thoughts and opinion and of course any measurement conundrums you may have. The showroom will be open from 10am until 4pm on both days.
Register your interest now along with preferred date and time to visit by contacting Bowers Group on 01276 469866, or emailing sales@bowersgroup.co.uk