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Bowers Group offers UKAS calibration services on profile projectors

Published on: 30th May 2018

As part of the Bowers Group, Baty International has been offering fast, efficient and traceable calibration, servicing, and repairs for its range of UK manufactured Profile Projectors and other brands for many years. Baty International is pleased to announce that this service has now been extended to include full UKAS accredited calibration from the company’s directly employed Field Service Team of qualified and factory trained Engineers, geographically located to cover the UK.

The service includes the thorough strip down, examination, and cleaning of the equipment, including full checking of all moving parts, with adjustments to alignments to achieve the best possible calibration result. Diagnostic checks are made of electronic and computerised readouts, and linear/point-to-point error check and correction are carried out, before final calibration checks are made. Results for “as found” and “as left” are available as part of the UKAS process, without further charge, providing proof that your machine is now at its very best after a service. As part of our comprehensive service, Baty’s Fusion software is also updated, free of any additional charge, to keep readouts current with all new features, where applicable.

As a manufacturer designing and developing its own products from offices in West Sussex, Baty can ensure that any parts for the Baty brand can be shipped the same day. Our Engineers also carry a comprehensive “boot” stock, allowing some repairs to be completed in the initial visit.

Baty also has internal product trained support Engineers who are able to answer direct questions, with the ability to test answers on demo systems and supply pictures to assist with identification, diagnosis, and customer repairs, possibly preventing the need for a chargeable breakdown visit. This technical support is available as part of the service contract taken out with us for the annual visit, with no additional charge.
Steve Hyde, Customer Support Manager at Baty International said: “Although all of our metrology products are manufactured to give years of reliable use, we strongly recommend that you have your unit serviced and calibrated on an annual basis. This will ensure the product continues to give accurate readings, even in the harshest of environments, whilst complying with the internal quality procedures of customers through the issue of traceable calibration certificates.”

“By fulfilling Profile Projector servicing and calibration requirements with one Engineer’s visit, we can effectively reduce customer costs. There’s no need for a second visit by a third party calibration Engineer, who may have limited knowledge of the equipment and the required adjustments to achieve the best results, sometimes only offering calibration “as found” for a similar price. It’s also much easier to plan and schedule these visits through our Service Administration team based in the office, so we can meet customer needs as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

To book in your service, calibration or repair simply contact Baty UK Service and Repairs on 01444 235621, or email service@bowersgroup.co.uk