Tom’s Half Marathon Journey: A Personal Triumph

Published on: 3rd September 2024

Tom Nation of Sandler set himself a personal challenge nine months ago, to complete a half marathon, a daunting 13.1 mile goal that once seemed out of reach. On Sunday 19th August, he achieved that goal at Scorrier House in Redruth, where 45 participants took on the half marathon alongside others completing 5K and 10K courses.


Despite the unfamiliar terrain of a trail run, Tom finished in 2 hours and 30 minutes, placing him 39th out of 45. Reflecting on the experience, Tom said, “I’m just happy I got to the finish line.” His determination and perseverance are truly inspiring!


Do you have stories to share like Toms? Please let us know, its always interesting to hear what our WEAF members are up to in their spare time.



About Sandler

We help business leaders and their teams live richer, happier, more balanced lives. We do this by helping clients to develop in three key areas – leadership, sales and customer service.

Our sales programmes teach teams to be effective sales professionals, giving them the skills and confidence to find and close new business. Our executive coaching for business owners and directors enables them to lead (and manage) their people – developing high performing teams.

Our Emerging Leaders training helps to identify and develop the next level of emerging leaders so that they are better able to lead the business strategically or take a step back. Our customer care training enables front line staff to communicate more effectively both internally and externally. It equips them with the skills to problem solve and identify upselling and cross selling opportunities.

Our Organisational Excellence programme is designed for leaders who have decision making authority in setting the company’s strategic direction. It helps leaders develop the vision, mission and processes needed to reach their goals.

If you’d like to find out more or attend a complimentary training event, don’t hesitate to get in touch: 01395 203050 or