The International Paris Air Show was a highly successful week for WEAF with visits from over 100 different companies to the stand. We supported five South West companies, helping them attend this year’s biggest global aerospace trade show; Ametek Specialty Metals, Ontic BBA, Walker AEC, Hempel Special Metals & Amfax.
The show provided our exhibitors with the perfect opportunity to showcase their products and capabilities to potential new customers across Europe and the rest of the world, as well as providing them a base to meet with current customers and suppliers.
“The show was successful and has now allowed us to open a number of doors to gain more business even though there is a high level of uncertainty within the EU at this time”
Martyn Walker, CEO of Walker AEC (Poole) Ltd
The WEAF stand was buzzing all week, setting off on Monday with a visit from Andrew Stephenson MP, the UK Minister for Business and Industry. Andrew spoke with WEAF’s CEO Colin Turner, who briefed him on the South West Aerospace Cluster. He was then introduced to WEAF’s Industrial members who were exhibiting on the stand.
Colin Turner commented “it was really pleasing to meet a minister with a real passion and interest for South West Aerospace”
WEAF’S CEO was also interviewed by the BBC on Monday; the interview was broadcast across the South West as part of the Paris Air Show review on the Points West regional program.
Our new stand reception theme of ‘Pimm’s O’clock & Scones’ attracted a lot of people to the stand and created great opportunities for networking with the exhibitors and the new WEAF team.
We’d like to thank everyone that visited the stand throughout the show, making it such a successful show for the South West Cluster.
If you’re interested in exhibiting with WEAF at the International Farnborough Air Show, then please call 01275 872353 or email