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3 steps for getting the most out of advances in Search

Published on: 30th September 2022

3 steps to getting the most out of the advances in Search

3 steps for getting the most out of advances in SearchSearch is becoming far more natural and intuitive, enabling people to search any way and anywhere. And a more intuitive Search experience means a more intuitive Search ads experience.

This week ‘Think with Google’, shared three steps you can take today to ensure your business keeps pace.

1.Create intuitive experiences. World-class creative drives performance. Partner with your design teams and invest in visually rich creative. Then, bring it to life using image assets in Google Ads.

2. Uncover new opportunities. Broad match unlocks new opportunities across searches you might be undervaluing today. Review your ‘Recommendations’ page for keyword ideas you may not have expected or thought about before.

3. Optimise for ROI. Sharing the relative value of your conversions enables value-based bidding to find your most valuable customers in a given moment. This aligns your media pounds more directly with your marketing objectives.

Among the billions of searches on Google every day, 15% are queries we’ve never seen before. Automation is the key to adapting to novel interests. That’s why more than 80% of Google advertisers now use automated bidding to unlock the full potential of Search to reach their performance goals.

“As technologies like AI and machine learning have rapidly improved, so have opportunities to show up for customers in more connected and consistent ways. Automation is now a multiplying force for businesses.” — Marie Gulin-Merle, global VP of ads marketing at Google


Among the billions of searches on Google every day, 15% are queries never seen before. Automation is the key to adapting to novel interests. That’s why more than 80% of Google advertisers now use automated bidding to unlock the full potential of Search to reach their performance goals.